Sunday, 30 November 2014

November 2014/Least Favorite Tonner

It's getting cold in Japan even though I feel this winter is not that cold yet. Well maybe YET! hehe
I tried to upload new posts in this month but I was not that much keen to write because I had to write a thesis which is a pretty much big deal to me. When I wasn't working on my paper, I just wanted to be super lazy without thinking literally anything :P

To be honest, while I was stressing out because of my thesis, I did some shopping... I experienced online clothes shopping which I really wanna share.
Anyway this month was really quiet for me at the same time it was tough for me.

At the beginning of November, I run out of my favorite tonner so I had to use something else. I tried this Biore うるおい密着ジェル化粧水 by KAO.

Soon after using that, my skin went totally wrong. My friends often asked me 'Aya are you tired? You skin does not look good'
When I went to Poreless Labo, the staff also worried about my skin and advised me to check what's inside. Surprisingly, that contains ethanol next to water. So basically I applied alcohol on my face..... 
Since Kao is such a big cosmetic company in Japan, I just couldn't believe that their products are actually not good for my skin.... Well at least to MY skin.
I suggest to check what's inside every time when you do cosmetic shopping!