Wednesday 6 August 2014

Hot hot hot hot Summer in JP!/Toshimaen Pool

This year I experience Japanese summer after 4 years! Most of the past years, I was in Europe and enjoyed sunshine and beautiful summer.
Well there is sunshine here in JP but it just burns people. An announce of 'staying inside a building and refrain from staying outside too much and any sports' is often made these days. CRAZY
My body is definitely super tired.....

No matter how miserable the weather is, I have to enjoy my life in Japan. My friend and I went to Toshimaen pool today to feel a bit of summer. 

A tiny bit of a tip for an entrance fee. If you go to a discount ticket shop and get 100 yen discount ticket, you can get 1200 yen off :) hahaha

Considering to other famous pools, this one is a bit small but we really enjoyed!
I don't know Japanese people's summer holiday trend, it was not too crowded yet. There are exiting water sliders as well. If you wanna try them with a tube, you've got to pay 600yen. I'd say 600yen is cheap comparing to other pools. 

Another thing I wanna share is a list band which allows you to shop without bringing any coins. Basically you deposit some money on it beforehand. You can shop by touching the band. Well the whole IT thing is really convenient!

After enjoying the pool, we went to a hot spring spa called Niwanoyu. just next to Toshimaen. We could wash our body properly and get a massage. Sooooo relaxing!

After these exciting and relaxing moments, we ate lots of oysters for our dinner. What a wonderful life!
It was funny that we're talking what if there is a limit for a person to be happy in a whole life.
Well I really enjoyed today and feeling super happy!!!

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