Wednesday 25 June 2014

Breakfast at Cinnamon's / シナモンズで朝食を

Since M's leaving JP soon, EMOA has to meet up before that. However, we are all busy so we could only have branch together.
I kinda feel that EMOA's style is drinking and eating. AND I almost miss my last train. Haha
It was very new idea for us to have branch all together.

Recently I've been thinking that I don't feel good about typical JP breakfast like a rice bowl and something. I'm not a big fan of bread either but in the morning it's easier for me to have bread rather than rice. Also what my body wants most is more fresh fruits! I really miss £1 raspberry(I didn't know how to spell this word since now! Oh my!), blueberry and strawberry..... Well every fruit to be honest.....
Anyway I've been thinking the best breakfast for me lately. When I was searching on the Internet, I remember the existence of Egg Benedict! It seems as if the Hollandaise sauce is a key to make it. Since I don't like sauce made from power thing, I googled how to make it from the beginning. It looks really needing a lot of effort. Lazy me thought 'why not try restaurant's first and learn its taste first?'
When I first searching for where we go for our branch/breakfast, I was like 'oh I wanna try Egg Benedict!!!'
So here we go! We went to Cinnamon's!

Cinnamon's has come from Hawaii. It won Honolulu magazine's Hale 'Aina award 2013 first place "gold" - best breakfast. 
Kailua, HI (Oahu)
315 Uluniu Street
Kailua, Hawaii 96734
Phone: (808) 261-8724
Fax: (808) 262-9910
表参道/Omotesando (Japan)
東京都渋谷区神宮前5-13-2 パインアンダーフラットB1F
横浜店/Yokohama (Japan)
神奈川県横浜市中区山下町67-1 グローリオタワー 1F
みなとみらい線 元町中華街駅4番出口 徒歩30秒 

Whoop yeah! This looks delicious!
As always, I can't eat a lot so went for a half size one. When it was served, it looked very small amount of food but I was quite full when I finished it. It was sooooo good. I just kept eating without much talking which is very rare to me! Haha
I'm seriously thinking to cook it at home for my breakfast in the future!

After finishing it, we just chilled there. I was quite fascinated by a movie playing on the wall. Blue Crush
We noticed an actor who did a role of Warner in 'legally blond' is in the movie. Seems like E doesn't like him and it was funny to watch her reaction when he appeared on the screen. E seldom dislike others so I'm sorry for the actor! Haha. I guess it's kinda because his roles tend to be naughty boy like Warner in Legally blond.
While watching the movie and observing pancakes being served, i was tempted to eat one of them.
We ordered ours for the dessert :)

Yum yum!!!!!
We really liked whipped cream which stupid me forgot to take a pic.
It tasted like proper milk and less sugary. This is half sized one. Well I can clearly say I won't finish even half sized one by myself. It's just unbelievable to finish a normal size which has four pancakes all together. Insane haha
Nowadays pancakes from especially from Hawaii and the States are sooooo popular in Japan.
This is why trend is sometimes terrifying because I'm also tempted to try it even though I'm not a big fan of pan cakes....!!

Having breakfast or branch with your friends turns out as a really good idea!
You can make a good use of one day. Well one thing I was surprised is that there are soooo many people at Omotesando even on Monday! I kinda imagined to explore there with a lot of spaces but the reality was completely different. Some have to work weekends and others have to work weekdays.

It was a really nice day and I was happy this much

but a bit bitter sweet cause M is leaving soon............well I'm not gonna go further about this now

Anyway high recommended to try breakfast time with your friends or family, whoever! for your fulfilling day :)

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