Sunday 13 July 2014

Electric Run in Japan

Did you guys have a good weekend???
I had a great one :)

I joined Electric Run in JP with my friends. Since it was a bit far away from where we live, we booked a hotel. This time, our hotel was Apa hotel Tokyo Bay. We could see a beach even though it was not that much a clean and beautiful one. After we arrived at a hotel and chilled a bit, we prepared ourselves for the event. We bought different colours of tutu beforehand as our costumes. I really like this colour variation :)

Since it was our first time (Colour Run was held in JP for the first time anyway) we didn't know how much we should have put our effort on our costumes. Actually I thought ours would have been stuck out a bit. However, it turns out so many people dressed up a lot. Personally I was quite surprised by that JP people actually put effort on this kind of things. (I know this is a bit fixed idea) We wore T-shirts we got for free as a prize for participation. Can you spot glasses? They are glow-in-the-dark sunglasses! They don't fit my head actually so I decided to hang them on my shirt. Some clever people wore them by making them as rabbits ears.   

We booked our tickets a quite long ago like two months before?? The tickets were sold out quickly. I did imagine many people would come but actual number of people were just beyond my imagination. Sooooooo many people!!! Basically you just can't run properly. Yeah it's just impossible for normal people to run through 6 or 5 km in row but you could only run like 500m in row because of the crowd. I'm not good at walking very very slowly so I tried so hard to run more often when it was possible. (Thanks my girls to follow me! Haha) I guess in the end, we did a great job and could enjoy both of running and walking. 

There were some what's so called lands like this pics.

This is called Neffmau5's land. 
I tried to film a bit about this wonderful run. Well it was not a good quality.... I was really jealous of people with GoPro....

After the run, there was a after party. For us, to experience Japanese party like this was the first time. We're kinda fascinated by DJ's calls in Japanese like 手をあげて!(raise your hands)、しゃがんで(crouch down) Well it was funny. 
After went through all these in a humid Japanese summer, I sweated A LOT! We were lucky enough to have a hot spring in our hotel. It was really nice to bathe in it after the run.

Thanks again and again for my friends!
It was really a great weekend :) X

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