Wednesday 23 July 2014

REVIEW: Her (Movie)/Relationships

Now it's time to organise my life. I've been leading super stressful days last seven months I would say, because of a job hunting. If I feel up to, I might write a post about it.
Anyway since yesterday I was chilling my room and thinking what I wanna do, an idea of watching a movie came up to me.
The other day I watched Maleficent, I noticed 'HER' is in a cinema finally now in JP!!!!

Well this movie reminds me of a long distance relationship although the story is not about it.When it comes to a long distance, the only way to communicate is the Internet. That's why a long distance is difficult. It's the same as a relationship with AI. It doesn't have a body which means they can't have body interactions. Well it sometimes sounds sad but we humans as well as animals need body interactions. They are so important for us.
Of course I do believe and admire how two people care each other even though they are physically separated. I do know how beautiful it is. However, finally we want to touch each other physically.....
I really like the sentence at the end of its trailer 'How would you touch me?' because I think that explains well about the difficulty of internet relationships.

I really like movie and definitely recommend you guys to watch.
It pictures all about our life indeed. Love marriage divorce friends job and technology

Since I have a secret memory with this movie, I cried a lot because of nostalgia. When mum saw my face after crying with a stain of eye lines and makeups, she said 'oh finally you're feeling good enough to watch movie and cry! I'm glad that!'
Well thanks mum but did I look that much sad these days...???? Hahaha
Anyways I love you mum and hope I feel happier from now on!!!

And finally if you are suffering a broken heart, you are not the only one and you can suffer it as long as you finally can say youre ok from bottom of your heart.
Nobody really knows what exactly happened between you and the other one. It's you who actually accept him or her and step forward. I'm saying it because I'm still suffering and I still cannot say I'm ok even though my friends often get surprised 'Oh haven't you still got recovered yet?' Well I wish I could be fine and forgets everything about the memory, but I just can't delete my beautiful memory.... I kinda conclude that I should accept myself being not able to handle the situation quickly. So I've decided to suffer until I would be totally fine and accept myself feeling sad. What I wanna say is that if you're kinda same situation like me, you are not the only one. You don't have to hide your feelings at all! X

1 comment:

  1. Hey aya. This might be weird but I did want to encourage you. We barely know each other if anything. We make friendly gestures and engage in small talk. But that's about it. However we are extremely similar! We both are interested in the same field and are both Japanese but not your typical Japanese. Over the past few years I've gone through ups and downs in a relationship. And it ended terribly. (I guess you know where this is going) I don't know what happened in your case, but it takes time. It really does. But you have to realize that we live for today's graces. Not tomorrow's and especially not yesterday's. For the past 9 months I've beat myself up about the breakup while during that time, she got engaged. As much as I don't want to admit it...I was giving myself self pity. If time is money then relationships require effort, you get back the amount of effort you put in. we sometimes focus on the wrong things to quickly significant relationships develop through discovery not basic dating male female stereotyped roles expectations...real relationships are actually much more intimate and build stronger bonds....which exceed typical norms. There is much more to life than dating a guy. Trust are probably the last person in the world who needs to worry about a partner. You are extremely nice and fun to be around with! You are beautiful inside and out. Never forget that. Don't sell yourself short to alleviate temporary pain. I on the other hand...hahaha yea I probably need to worry about finding a girl. But at this point I've surrendered it to god. I'm enjoying the single life! Going out with friends and volunteering have made me turn to forgiving the girl in my past relationship. You are worth more than gold! You deserve a man WORTHY of you. You will get a wonderful significant other. Don't you worry. I know that for sure. And Hopefully Christian (: well hope I didn't give out who I am. That would be kinda weird haha.
    God bless,

    Ps. If you can find out who I am ...ummm not sure. Lolol
