Monday 12 January 2015

Home stay in Vancouver / バンクーバーホームステイ

How's your new year? I had a very lazy one and cleaned my room finally feeling really fresh now :) Finally I couldn't finish posting all my trips in 2014 but I had a new trip at the end of the year.... Since the memory is still fresh, I should put it first!!
お正月いかがお過ごしですか?私は家でまったりしながら、やっと部屋を片付けて気分爽快です :) 去年すべての旅行について記事をかけなかったのにも関わらず、ありがたい事にまた年末に旅行したので、記憶が新鮮なうちにその旅行について早めに投稿しておこうと思います。

At the end of 2014, I did a home stay in Vancouver.
Just before the trip, I got really ill and stay at my bed for whole three days. Well health is above everything else!

Home stay in Vancouver reminds me of my bitter experience. When I was 15, I did a home stay for the first time in my life. Well the result was really bad... haha 
Back then, I discovered my passion towards an English study and my score was pretty good, I'd say. I expected myself to be able to speak English pretty much well. However, I just could not speak any English and I was just a super shy and naive Japanese girl. 
Since I expected more, I was really disappointed the result and I was mad at myself.
After that, I realised the importance of speaking in English and also I learned that I cannot get a good result by being shy. I think this experience has made what I am now. 
This time, by chance, I get an opportunity to do a home stay again in Vancouver, I contacted my previous host family. I really didn't like my behaviour back then and I've been feeling sorry for my host family. I've been longing for making up for it. Miraculously where I stayed this time was close to them. We managed to meet each other again after 8 years!!!
Because of my limited English, we could not have decent conversations but this time we could know each other more :) 

ちょうど当時私は英語の勉強に力を入れ始めていて成績自体はそこまで悪くなくて、私はしゃべれるとか思いこんでいたから、逆にとってもショックだった。この苦い経験の後、私はシャイでいるより、なんでもチャンスがあれば挑戦していったほうが少しぐらい恥をかいたとしても面白いし楽しいってことに気がついたわけです。この経験がなければ今の私はいないし留学中にcrazy Japaneseって多分呼ばれてなかったと思う笑

The last time I did a home stay in Vancouver, I experienced halloween there. 
I did trick or treat and got many treats! 

This is my costume I wore for halloween.
Another thing I learned from my first home stay was how to pet animals. This sounds funny but I was generally afraid of animals. I didn't pet them or even approached them. This smart boy somehow often visited my room and became my best mate since we didn't need English to communicate each other. After that my fear towards animal has been decreased and I'm able to pet them now. 

This time, instead of halloween, I experienced Christmas in Canada!

In Japan, people celebrate Christmas but in a different way.  We eat chicken especially KFC and christmas cake. My family used to decorate a Christmas tree but we didn't put presents under the tree or we do not exchange presents each other. 
My lovely host family prepared presents for me as well and I experienced tearing Christmas wrapping paper haha 
Because it was winter time, I couldn't do a lot of outdoor activities but it seems as if there are a lot of activities in summer. I'd love to go back and experience them in Canadian nature!!

This time my host family had two adorable kids. Generally speaking, I love children so I really enjoyed playing with them. Now that I'm getting old enough to think about marriage and babies, the time with them strengthened my desire to have kids. Even though they have meltdown and they don't listen to what mom says all the time, they are just really cute anyway! 
Someday! SOMEDAY!!!!!

Home stay teaches a lot of things. I learn every time I do so. I appreciate my opportunity for the home stay thanks to wonderful host families!!!!

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