Monday, 30 June 2014

Clothes I bought this year/今年買った洋服達

When I was in the U.K., I bought unbelievable amount of summer clothes. I was surprised the amount by myself and decided not to buy any summer clothes this year. Even so, it's just impossible to carry out. I bought SOME hehehe :P
Sadly recently I have had to wear a suit quite often. I seldom have chance to wear my summer clothes.... Yeah I definitely stop buying!!! (BTW I find quite difficult with spelling of 'definitely' anyone agree??)

First dress is more like for spring. 

Sorry for my poor posing skill lol
I look like a school kid who's going to a picnic....
Generally speaking, I'm obsessed with flower patterns. When I found this, I just fell in love with it. One thing I've got to say is that the skirt is a bit short. I felt a bit unsecure.
Dress: dazzlin ダズリン
Other things about this pic.
I really like this jacket and a bag. This jacket is more for winter so I have to wait a bit to wear this more often.
Jacket: Burberry Blue Label
Bag: Michael Kors

Not to feel guilty, I tend to buy cheaper clothes these days. Since GU's CM was quite interesting and caught my attention. Now you know how much I like flower patterns! ahaha

Sorry again for my no makeup face!
Now I understand why Asian people are often described as small thin eyes! hahaha
Well just a simple note, I think I close my eyes when this pic was taken :p
Leggings have been quite popular all over the world. I didn't like it feeling as if I was walking outside with only underwear. Since the quality has been improved a lot and I like it when I see my friend wearing it, I decided to try it! I bought this black leggings at UNIQLO. 
Tops: Zara

Recently my motto is 'simple is the best' I want to be looked fashionable by not relying on clothes or something I wear and have. I wanna take advantage of my inner beauty! Well every single person in this world has their own beauty. With using makeups and clothes, people make themselves what's so called 'pretty' and 'beautiful' person. However, in the end, many people look the same. At the same time, I kinda feel many people destroy their own beautiful things by themselves. 
I sometimes use makeups and clothes to motivate myself or give me more confidence. I like their this kind of magic. So please don't think I'm again everything about fashion. What I want to say is I would like to make a good use of our inner beauty not delete all of it.

Well to be honest, those are not the all clothes I bought this year.... omg
I'm gonna show the rest of them on a future post :)

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Food Food Food!/Poreless Labo

Normally I try to spend on Sundays with my mum. I don't remember when this Sunday mummy daughter shopping started, but I try to be free on Sundays after I came back from the U.K. even more.  Since I had something to do, I met her around three today and had some dessert.

Takano fruit parlour's parfait.

It is yummy but every time I think as if I'm tricked. They put some fruits on top of it and the rest of it is just ice cream and jelly things. 

After that, we did some little shopping. I found this wonderful dress. It was green but this looks black in this photo...! By the way, I didn't buy cause I already got a plenty amount of clothes and it seems obvious that I can't wear this in japan. 

We also get a treatment at Poreless Labo. My face skin condition is getting better but now it can be damaged by UV. It is really surprising that skin gets dry even in this humid weather. 

We had dinner at a Thai restaurant. I fond a rare food called Thai fondue! 

It was good but spicy!!!!!
Every time I have a Thai food, I have to struggle with its spicy. I thought about asking to get rid of all the chilli but if it's not spiciness, I feel something is missing..... Hahahahaha.

Tmr finally I can be relaxed a bit even though another crazily busy days will follow. 
Good night! Oyasumi~

Saturday, 28 June 2014

REVIEW: Healthy Chocolate Brownie Recipe | Tanya Burr

Since the other day M was leaving JP.......(I was really sentimental. Itll be definitely a great experience for her, but I miss her and I wanna be there with her. I miss UK soooo much) I wanted to bake a cake. Actually I wanted to make coconut cake but it can be melted easily. I've got soooo many things to do tmr so I have to carry cake almost all day long....
So I chose Tanya's recipe since it won't be melted easily.
You can watch her video to make it :)

- 1/2 cup Coconut Oil
- 300g Dark Chocolate (you can use 150g milk & 150g dark if you don't like too much dark chocolate - I love it though as I think the dark chocolate makes it taste like rich chocolate pudding!)
- 2 cups Coconut Sugar (you can replace this with regular caster sugar 
or brown sugar if you want to! I just use Coconut sugar as it's better for you.)
- cap full of Vanilla Extract
- 1 cup Ground Almonds
- 1 mashed Avocado
- 1 tsp Baking Powder
- 3 Eggs

One good feature of this recipe is you can mix everything in a pot. You don't need many bowls to mix everything. Washing friendly :)

I made this late at night after a busy part time job. I couldn't taste it properly. I was really nervous it's taste but E said it was really nice. I decided to believe her opinion!

Always saying goodbye is hard and strange. I'm not good at imagining what it would be after saying goodbye. I kinda think all the time I let go myself as the time pasts without feeling special things which is very sad and unfortunate. I just can't express myself well. 
Now she's gone! I really hope her all the best....!!!!
Well it's very difficult to write these things.... 

Anyway today was a farewell day.
I really hope her all the best XXXX

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Foundation Review, My Conclusion/ファンデーション 決定版

I used to use my hands or MAC brush to apply foundation but both ways didn't work well. I thought my foundations were all bad. However I met this brush! It helps me to apply whatever foundation naturally.

When I bought a brush set, I also got a bottle of brush cleaner. I used it to clean the brush. However, I kinda feel it doesn't help to keep my brush last longer. Maybe that's because I use the brush for sun cream as well and I don't think I really shouldn't have.
But anyway I feel a bit worried to use the cleaner again for my brush..... Whereas the brush is getting dirty and dirty......

On my previous post about MACCHIAlb; clear esthe veil foundation, I wrote I was very happy about it.
Well I have to deny what I wrote.... Sorry.....
The reason is that when you wear it for a long time, you get itchy on your face. I thought it might have been just because of my face condition so I tried a couple of times. It turns out I get itchy every time I wear this foundation unfortunately.....
I really hope you understand it takes time to understand what products are good or not.....

After concluding the foundation is not good, I restart using Ohtaka kouso's foundation. Well if you read my previous post about face cream and toner, you can tell how much I trust Ohtaka koso. Of course I used their foundation for the first time when I started to using the foundation itself. However, I didn't like it cause I thought their foundation makes my face like too much makeup on face. Also to be honest, I wanted to use the makeup brands cosmetics.... Even though I don't think foreign capital companies cosmetics are for Japanese people's skin. Well you know this is actually what consumers are thinking. Soooo many illogical feelings
After trying something, here I come! I'm back at using Ohtaka koso. According to my mum, if I use their sun cream on my face, their foundation and power go very well with each other. Well since my mum doesn't wear a lot of makeups (she only uses foundation and lipsticks!!) I normally don't ask her about cosmetics. But this time after getting her answer, I was like 'oh a saying that elder people know better than young people since the former has lived much longer' 
Today I wore Takaoka's foundation since 5 o'clock in the morning, I don't feel any itches at all. Well I do but that's because of bloody mosquitoes. 

Yeah so this is my result. Ohtaka's foundation is the best for me.
The thing is it might be not easy for you to get one since they don't have shops. They sell products at a Hokkaido theme event held by  big department store like there times a year. My mum orders a good amount of products estimated to be needed till the next event and gets delivers. OR you can get them from their online shop. 

Breakfast at Cinnamon's / シナモンズで朝食を

Since M's leaving JP soon, EMOA has to meet up before that. However, we are all busy so we could only have branch together.
I kinda feel that EMOA's style is drinking and eating. AND I almost miss my last train. Haha
It was very new idea for us to have branch all together.

Recently I've been thinking that I don't feel good about typical JP breakfast like a rice bowl and something. I'm not a big fan of bread either but in the morning it's easier for me to have bread rather than rice. Also what my body wants most is more fresh fruits! I really miss £1 raspberry(I didn't know how to spell this word since now! Oh my!), blueberry and strawberry..... Well every fruit to be honest.....
Anyway I've been thinking the best breakfast for me lately. When I was searching on the Internet, I remember the existence of Egg Benedict! It seems as if the Hollandaise sauce is a key to make it. Since I don't like sauce made from power thing, I googled how to make it from the beginning. It looks really needing a lot of effort. Lazy me thought 'why not try restaurant's first and learn its taste first?'
When I first searching for where we go for our branch/breakfast, I was like 'oh I wanna try Egg Benedict!!!'
So here we go! We went to Cinnamon's!

Cinnamon's has come from Hawaii. It won Honolulu magazine's Hale 'Aina award 2013 first place "gold" - best breakfast. 
Kailua, HI (Oahu)
315 Uluniu Street
Kailua, Hawaii 96734
Phone: (808) 261-8724
Fax: (808) 262-9910
表参道/Omotesando (Japan)
東京都渋谷区神宮前5-13-2 パインアンダーフラットB1F
横浜店/Yokohama (Japan)
神奈川県横浜市中区山下町67-1 グローリオタワー 1F
みなとみらい線 元町中華街駅4番出口 徒歩30秒 

Whoop yeah! This looks delicious!
As always, I can't eat a lot so went for a half size one. When it was served, it looked very small amount of food but I was quite full when I finished it. It was sooooo good. I just kept eating without much talking which is very rare to me! Haha
I'm seriously thinking to cook it at home for my breakfast in the future!

After finishing it, we just chilled there. I was quite fascinated by a movie playing on the wall. Blue Crush
We noticed an actor who did a role of Warner in 'legally blond' is in the movie. Seems like E doesn't like him and it was funny to watch her reaction when he appeared on the screen. E seldom dislike others so I'm sorry for the actor! Haha. I guess it's kinda because his roles tend to be naughty boy like Warner in Legally blond.
While watching the movie and observing pancakes being served, i was tempted to eat one of them.
We ordered ours for the dessert :)

Yum yum!!!!!
We really liked whipped cream which stupid me forgot to take a pic.
It tasted like proper milk and less sugary. This is half sized one. Well I can clearly say I won't finish even half sized one by myself. It's just unbelievable to finish a normal size which has four pancakes all together. Insane haha
Nowadays pancakes from especially from Hawaii and the States are sooooo popular in Japan.
This is why trend is sometimes terrifying because I'm also tempted to try it even though I'm not a big fan of pan cakes....!!

Having breakfast or branch with your friends turns out as a really good idea!
You can make a good use of one day. Well one thing I was surprised is that there are soooo many people at Omotesando even on Monday! I kinda imagined to explore there with a lot of spaces but the reality was completely different. Some have to work weekends and others have to work weekdays.

It was a really nice day and I was happy this much

but a bit bitter sweet cause M is leaving soon............well I'm not gonna go further about this now

Anyway high recommended to try breakfast time with your friends or family, whoever! for your fulfilling day :)

Saturday, 21 June 2014

宇江佐真理 玄冶店の女

宇江佐真理 玄冶店の女

日本橋の玄冶店(げんやだな)と呼ばれる路地で小間物屋を営むお玉は、元花魁。身請けされた旦那と縁が切れた矢先、芸妓屋の顔見知りの娘が通う手習い所の師範、青木陽蔵に出会う。その清廉な人柄に、お玉は強く惹かれるが、それは世間が許さぬ分を越えた恋だった。運命に翻弄されながらも健気に生きる女たちの切なくて心温まる八つの物語。傑作人情譚。(文庫版 裏表紙より)


P175 残菊



Friday, 20 June 2014

How do you distinguish which one you should buy or you wanna spend money on?

The other day, my besties and I were discussing a very interesting topic about how to shop. I just wanna write this post about it as a memo for myself not to forget about it. This will be a challenging task for me to write this kind of things in English. Let's see how far I can do! Please forgive me if I sometimes don't express myself well. 

By the way, my besties and I have a group name called EMOA. You might tell but A stands for my name Aya.
For me, these girls are so special and essential to my life. When SATC got a lot of attention in JP, I truly thought we're like them even though we're three. Our relationship is really special so on one hand, I kinda got nervous to tell you about us even tiny bit but on the other hand, it might be interesting for you, well I hope it would be so..haha

So a whole conversation began by a E's (well for privacy matters I just put her first letter) question about how to tell which clothe has enough quality to spend money on it. (Does this make sense??) According to her, she's got more interested in so to speak fashion these days. But so far she haven't been experienced those kind of things, whenever she's shopping, she's got confused. There are sooooo many similar clothes at different shops for varieties of prices. I can imagine how she feels when it comes to a cosmetic shopping. I just don't wanna regret later so I tend to go for a cheap one. The theory here is that if it's cheap, I wouldn't have to fe too much guilty the fact I spent a lot of money on it. However, typically cheap products don't have good qualities and won't last long. So again question is how to tell which one is good and reasonable. 

M's answer was to research clothes and trend. Well I'd say since M is a very fashionable girl and has been studied art, she has an interesting different point of view. According to M(well this sounds like James Bond movie haha), the fast fashion comes from so to speak high brands. If you look up on the Internet or magazines, you can trace back to the original fashion and also you can get information about the design's changes including prices. 
Taking consideration with those, M believes that buying producers from a  shop means purchasing a trust. She also calculate how much effort and cost should need for making a particular clothe. Generally good quality clothes tend to be expensive but we've got to set the limit based on our budget. It's up to all of us where to set the border. 
(p.s. To M, this is what I got from the conversation. If it's wrong, well discuss it later!!X)

This idea was completely new to me and it was really interesting!

Thinking back my shoppings, I realise I seldom regret my purchases which sounds like I'm superduper crazy happy girl haha. I stress more on in which situation I bought the item and I used it. For example, I bought a bit expensive top and skirt the other day (I shared them on this post). I wore them on a special when I went to Disney sea with EMOA. If I won't wear them anymore again, I don't regret it. That's because I gain a great memory with the clothe already. I'm not saying I won't wear a clothe twice. Of course the longer I could wear, the better it is than anything else. So I'd say my standard of a shopping is that if I still think about it after I left the shop, I'll come back again and buy it. This means how I shop totally depends on how I feel. I feel this illustrates my super straight forward character. I have what I like and what I don't. Nothing in between.

I found this whole conversation interesting because I realise how different our ways of thinking are! Moreover, even though it seems as if everyone loves shopping and they constantly do so, they all have some rules to follow. Clearly we can't buy everything in this world. I guess this topic is very rare to think because almost all ads are basically about 'buy this buy that since they are all good for you!!'
In this world, we've got to make decision very quickly. How you do it and measures you use is influenced by your way of thinking towards life itself. If we look at how we shop, we might know more about us..... Maybe??

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Petomato 20days/ペットマト 20日後

If you read my post about petomato before, you might wonder what happens after that!?!?
Well I wanna prove myself as a not so lazy girl. To be honest, I was really scared I might have let it wither.... Once I tried to grow wild strawberry, I completely failed. Literally nothing happened!!

So this is how it looks now!

Seeds sprout!!!!
Apparently it is good for the plant to be put under the sun but now it's rainy season. I worried a lot about less sun shine. However, it's getting well so far!
It takes about 2 months to be able to harvest it.
I'll keep updating this!

Disney Sea with my besties/大親友との東京ディズニーシー/my new top and skirt from 2% Tokyo

 I went to Disney Sea with my besties. The day became such a memorable day! That is basically because one of them will go to the UK for a master like in 2 weeks!!!! Omg 
(I just noticed I don't have a pic which clearly distinguish Disney Sea... Haha I mainly filmed short videos today)

Even now it's in the middle of a rainy season in Japan, the day was such a hot day! To be honest, it was really hot but it's much better than walking in rain. 

We're kinda girls who talk about very serious stuffs about life in general not only kiss and tell. We do some crazy fun stuffs together but mainly we just talk talk talk and talk. So I kinda thought what it would be like us at a dream land. 
Like you can see how happy I was in this pic, it was such a nice day and at the same time, I felt how I see Disney land changes depends on with who I go there. Our group bond was super tight, even Disney magic couldn't get into :p

Oh and by the way, I bought this Setup?, a skirt and a top from 2% Tokyo the other day. Actually I didn't check it's price before I brought it to a cashier. The price made me startled. It was way more expensive than I imagined. Anyway I bought it but it was a drastic shopping to me. I'm glad to be able to wear it on such a memorable day. I'd been looking for a nice setup. Just because I'm short and small, when I put on other setups, they just turned into normal dresses which means you can't tell the while clothe actually has two components. I'm happy I finally could find one. To be honest, there are soooo many pretty setups from Motel, but I can't get them in Japan.... If you guys can reach Motel Rocks, you should go and check it!!!! I really like their clothes!!!

Anyway it was on Monday when we went to Disney Sea. I expected it would be super empty, but there were a lot of people. You got to queue like 80 mins at maximum for the ride. Thanks to fast passes, we actually didn't have to queue like that much long. We rode many rides and attractions. I was discussing with my friend that the fact Disney theme parks can be open everyday and get profits means even week days, a certain amount of people come to Disney parks. 

There were so many kids at the park. I believe every school has each different private holidays! Hehe
Anyways they were all so cute. It was really funny when we realised that we all looked at kids close to us with a big warm smiles on our faces like mothers. We often talk about our future weddings and children stuffs. The weddings would be quite touching and I'm sure I'll love their kids crazily. I sometimes get scared and excited how it would be like to have my own child even though my heart is melting by just other families' kids. 

It's been after ages since we three actually spent a while day together. I realise how much I love them and how special they are to me. XXX

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Nail sticker/ネイルアートフィルム

Yesterday when I was literally a zombie, somehow I decided to try this nail sticker  by Sho-Bi. 

The other day, I had this kind of nail sticker's demonstration and I just love it! 

The brand(Incoco)'s stickers were a bit expensive so my friend and I decided to look for cheaper ones from different companies. There is a shop called LOFT in JP. I don't know how to describe this shop.... It's like a mixture of Wilkinson and Boots. Maybe? Haha
Yeah and I found the Disney printed nail stickers. There is Rapunzel one!! 

However, I currently work at a restaurant. Normally workers there are not allowed to have their nails painted? done? In JP, my nails have to be natural all the time.
When I was in the UK, I didn't have such a crazy rule to follow. I could enjoy nail colours but at first I was not into it. I'm a natural seeking type of girl rather than a super cosmetic girl. Anyway one day I visited my friend's flat and get my nails done. After that I kinda started to make my nail colour collection. Here is the result.

Actually I stopped having nail colour after I started cook for my friends. I felt there was a possibility that nail colour get inside food.

Ok so to sum up, it's been after ages to get my nails coloured!Guess where I went with this nail! hehe

This sticker is really handy and easy to apply. Basically all you have to do is that you choose a good sized sticker and apply it on your nail. 

To be honest, the quality of this nail colour is not good comparing to Incoco one. This one is basically a small sticker but Incoco one is more like varnish. Actually a staff said they are made from varnish.
I ordered Vlli Vlli ones so I'll let you know about them.
Basically this Sho-Bi one is a sticker. I just don't feel this is particularly for nails. But I have to say that characters are so cute hehe

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Miracle sunny days desipte Japanese rainy season/梅雨の晴れの日

strange but beautiful sky
I just typed skype instead of sky..... yeah I'm super tried, just literally drained

This post is about my floating thoughts in my mind at this moment.

-Majority of Japanese people's way of spending their holidays cannot be existed without making other people work. (shopping, tours, amusement parks) I just wanna do sun bathing or picnic at a park(it is impossible to do sun bathing in Japan in summer, you're just gonna burned)

-I want someone to check my brain especially for languages. I'm kinda loosing my Japanese skill. I know this sounds really stupid since I'm a 100% Japanese. I've been just studying English at schools and did one year study abroad. Almost all my conversation is in Japanese. However, today I was pointed out that my Japanese is weird. When I talk to my friends, it might be so cause I speak really slangy Japanese, but today was very official situation. I was using proper Japanese. I might be a typical young JP who cannot speak proper Japanese. Yeah might be. But I kinda think something weird is happening.....

-I thought finally I could see the light but still I'm in dark

-I keep struggling not to follow a safe typical way but I haven't got any skills.

-I dreamed about a study abroad sooooo much. Having finished that, I haven't got any more aim in my life oh! this sounds super pity hahahaha 

-People cannot live just thinking about others profit. Business is evil.

-What I did to others for good does not always good for them

-Service is never ending. It's like a crazy monster but what makes it crazier is us.

-In one sense, we are all by ourselves.

-Now I just wanna be next to a person but the person is not in this country

-I do know it is really difficult to have two nationalities parents but I always wish I was one of them. Even I'm labeled as a Japanese, I still feel identity crisis and I don't feel like I am one of Japanese people who understand Japanese Japanese things.

-Getting paid well by taking responsibility on the paper OR doing a less responsibility job with a small amount of salary but actually the job is essential

Friday, 13 June 2014

Unhealthy Breakfast

I've been super busy these days. I keep moving everyday.....  Every morning I'm in a lush to get ready and leave home so don't enough time for breakfast.
Thinking I need to eat something, this is my answer. 

 Milk and yummy chocolate


I've got this one from my friend. Thanks Eri chan! I don't wanna be judged but European and American chocolate is just amazing! 
My tongue is very childish so I love milk chocolate. When I was in the UK, kinder chocolate was essential to me. Haha


Another thing I wanna say is this cute Rapunzel glass. My friend gave me this as a souvenir of Disney world. My name was caved on the other side of it. I just love this! Thanks Chiri chan.


I love Disney princess movies and among all 'Tangled' is my favourite one. One day I said 'I wanna be Rapunzel' to my friends, they said 'oh you can't be because your hair is not blond' yeah! That's right! Lol
Absolutely blond hair won't suit me.

I'm not sure how much this breakfast is bad for my health but I seriously don't recommend this. Haha
Eat a nice breakfast!
A good breakfast makes your day nicer :) X


Thursday, 12 June 2014

しゃぶしゃぶ/Shabu shabu/いちにぃさん

After I experienced working at a shabu shabu restaurant, I become a bit addicted to it which sounds as if I'm super happy person.... Maybe yes haha
I'd say I have shabu shabu dinner once a month at home or at a restaurant. 
I personally like beef shabu shabu but this time I tried pork one at a restaurant called ichi-nii-sann (いちにぃさん)

Normally there are two shabu shabu sauces, one is ponzu (citrus-seasoned soy sauces) and the other is sesame one. However this time, the restaurant offered us a sauce for soba. It's still based on soy sauce but a bit different. They recommended me to put a lot of spring onion in it.
Look! How excited I was!!!! Hahaha

If you wanna try shabu shabu, there are some suggestion from me :)

Shabu zen(しゃぶ禅):All you can eat style. They have not all you can eat courses. The quality of beef is amazing.
Shabu shabu Onyasai(しゃぶしゃぶ温野菜): All you can eat style not only meat and veges, you can have small dishes! I recommend you not to go to Shibuya one maybe Shinjyuku one either. I tried Akasaka one and my fixed idea of Onyasai totally got destroyed. My friends and I had a really nice dinner. I brought my friend to Shibuya one because Akasaka one was good but Shibuya one was not that much great. I was a bit disappointed....
Oumigensuke(近江源助): they serve a brand beef, Oumi beef. You can have a shabu shabu course on Saturday and Sundays!

Monday, 9 June 2014

Exciting News!!!! Brisbane Australia????

I just can't hide this.....!
I might be going to Brisbane in August!!!!!!!!!! omg
and England for September yes yes yes yes yes
I've been to Brisbane for my family trip once. It's been like 8 years or something like that!

I'm just surprised that I still have this red Tshirt even though this photo was taken like 8 years ago hahahaha
Anyway I'm sooooo excited! I have to think about what I have to buy there.
Actually I've been thinking what I should buy in England but I guess shopping in Australia is a bit cheaper for me.??? I don't know
I wanna know whether there is any NARS shop in Australia....??
Well this time is not for fun fun fun holiday to be honest. It will affect my future so it will be my first big step, maybe!??!!?!? 

oh finally I can go out of Japan even for a short period of time yes yes yes!
I've been a world travelling person for the last 4 years. Last spring, I couldn't go anywhere which makes me sooooo sad, irritated and frustrated.
I never imagined how I would react the fact I can't go travelling......

Ok anyway if you have any tips for travelling to Australia (personal comments to Erika especially haha) let me know!!! X 

Sunday, 8 June 2014

SAZABY Leather Wallet

If you read my wallet story post, I've been looking for a foldable wallet. To be honest, I just want to buy the exactly same Prada one but they don't have it anymore. (at least in Japan)
So I have to find a new one. I'm thinking this time a bit cheaper one because 1) I might lose it again 2) I already bought my Gucci one which is definitely my fav. That means I will use my new foldable one not that much.

The other day, I was doing a window shopping to kill my time, that ended as an actually shopping!
I met this cutey pinky one!

A shop staff said they only got two left. I was a bit panicked as always. I'm easily affected by what staffs are saying. I like to make actual purchase after visiting the shop once. Ideally I wanted leave and think about it again back home and go back to the shop to buy it. Does this make sense? So I thought a lot a lot a lot. I wanted to take a photo to ask someone's advise at that time. Anyway since it was not a big big big shopping comparing to buy another new Prada wallets or whatever expensive, I decided to buy this cutie one. 

I'm a bit concerned about this coin case part because changes can be slipped out..... but the staff said it won't happen. I trust her without no reason :p

It made from leather which means the texture and color can be changed. I wanna enjoy the shift as well :) X

Friday, 6 June 2014

Rainy Season/Hunter Rain Boots

Now it's raining like crazy..... Yesterday was raining as well and I realize that the depressing rainy season has come! 

Do you know what you need rainy season???

Yes rain boots!!!!
I bought these in London since it rains often in the U.K.. haha Moreover, it's kinda special to buy Hunter boots where it's come from, isn't it??
Again my shoe size is tiny comparing to European people. I can wear kids size. That means the price is almost half price! yes hehehehe

When it's cold, you can wear special hunter socks inside the boots. They make you really warm like UGG boots :) Can you spot pink things in the photo above? They are the special socks. They have varieties of colors so that you can pick depends on your fashion!


I hope these boots help me to survive this dump rainy season in Japan happily!!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

覇王別姫 漢楚の戦い/Classical Chinese Opera/T.G.I.Fridays


I watched 'Farewell My Concubine' in February. It was such a nice movie about Chinese history and art. I was amaze by its quality and at the same time, I was so disappointed by Japanese movies' qualities.... Anyway I came across this poster at a station and I took a second look. I was excited about this chance to watch the classical Chinese opera with my eyes!!! 







It was pity that I couldn't understand Chinese so I had to look at subtitles on screens, but the opera itself was amazing. Everything was just BEAUTIFUL! The music was on live and the sound was really authentic. 
As far as I know, performers are all men even women's roles, but I doubted my eyes cause they looked actual women. I thought they might be more beautiful than actual females haha.
Their voice was beautiful as well. I was curious how they manage to make the sound.

I imagine every single movement of their hands and foot has many meanings. I might be able to enjoy more if I knew them or more Chinese history.... although I studied a bit of it for my exam of a uni exams. 

Since my stomach was growling during the performance, I went to T.G.I. Friday to satisfy my greedy stomach hehe
To be honest, I was surprised by the fact there is a T.G.I. Friday in japan. Again, Japan has everything especially from America hahahahahaha 


I was really full because I had chicken fingers and caesar salad. I did enjoy the junky American food a lot :)!!!!
One question about JP T.G.I. Friday is that their fizzy drinks were not actually fizzy..... I had a glass of Seven ups and that was like just normal water with sugar.... hahahaha